Bob Ferry’s Superimposition of Fingerings for Guitar: Complete


Bob Ferry’s Superimposition of Fingerings for Guitar: Complete is a comprehensive guide to the fingerings necessary for the realization of any goal on the guitar.

This is a dream book of guitar fingerings for all styles and genres that demystifies the art of note selection. With 130 pages of content including over 400 easy to read diagrams and tabs, the information is laid out in a simple to understand format so that any guitar student can quickly grasp the key concepts provided by the book.

Simply put … Arpeggio + Chord + Scale = Superimposition of Fingerings.

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Bob Ferry’s Superimposition of Fingerings for Guitar: Complete contains everything found in Volumes I, II, III, and IV plus additional content on the Augmented 7th chord and the Diminished 7th chord.

Table of Contents

  • Position Playing, Fingering Families and the Superimposition of Fingerings
  • Full fretboard view Arpeggios
  • Full fretboard view Scales
  • Page setup for the Superimposition of Fingerings
  • Major 7th Arpeggio as the Ionian I Chord
  • Major 7th Arpeggio as the Lydian IV Chord
  • Major 6th Arpeggio as the Ionian I Chord
  • Major 6th Arpeggio as the Lydian IV Chord
  • Minor 7th Arpeggio as the Dorian ii Chord
  • Minor 7th Arpeggio as the Phrygian iii Chord
  • Minor 7th Arpeggio as the Aeolian vi Chord
  • Dominant 7th Arpeggio as the Mixolydian V Chord
  • Minor 7b5 Arpeggio as the Locrian vii Chord
  • Dominant 7th Arpeggio with the Harmonic Minor Scale
  • Dominant 7th Arpeggio as the Melodic Minor IV Chord
  • Dominant 7th Arpeggio as the Melodic Minor V Chord
  • Minor Major 7th Arpeggio with the Harmonic Minor Scale
  • Minor 6th Arpeggio with the Melodic Minor Scale
  • Augmented 7th Arpeggio with the Whole Tone Scale
  • Diminished 7th Arpeggio with the Diminished Scale


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